Spray Foam

Kits & DIY


Kits & DIY

Serving Calgary, Canmore, Banff, Lake Louise, and Alberta

Most FAQs and forums say spray foam is best left to the professionals and we definitely agree! There are more and more DIY spray foam kits coming to market but unfortunately without any experience with the product/process it is very easy to make mistakes or even cause hazards to your own health.

DIY spray foam kits are possible, but it is necessary to have a thorough understanding of the process, mixing the chemicals, how to properly spray and thermal conductivity (the transmission of heat). If you do not properly address temperature differences your spray foam will not settle properly and can separate from the wall or sag. Most importantly, if you do not use a proper mask or take it off too soon it can cause serious respiratory issues.

When you work with Turrum’s certified spray foam team we take care of all of the prep and clean-up and guarantee your spray foam is installed properly. We have years of experience and training and can ensure your home or commercial space is taken care of properly.

Many time costs are very similar but you are saving tremendously on stress, hours of research, prep and clean-up. Plus, with Turrum your spray foam is guaranteed and our years of experience ensure it’s done right the first time.


